Sunday, February 20, 2005

They call it "Tube", London's underground system. Impressive!
Another side of Westminster
London's underground system is probably the most extensive in the world. Definitely much more than Paris or NYC even probably Tokyo (I didn't explore much when I was there)
The famous Harrods
St.Paul - still under renovation
London is such a crowded and busy city. Can't believe the number of people walking on the streets
I was lucky it's such a perfect day
Another Tower Bridge picture
Stegasaurus - you can tell your son will completely surpass your knowledge one day --I hope so
T-rex. Another name I learned from Nathan
Apotosaurus - I learned abunch of Dinosaurus names from Nathan
I think one of recent VISA commercials showed this place. Note the four lions on the background
Another pretty site
Who is that on the horse?
I forgot the name but I think it led to Buckingham Palace
London is filled with old and new architecture. I forgot the name of that egg-shape building.
Tower Bridge
Soho area is famous for Broadway Show, China Town, Shopping etc. This place stays up all night, sort of Manhattan, NYC
Interesting name for a restaurant :-) I did not try
Famous Soho Area
Another parade picture
This famous parade (changing of guard?) occurs daily in summer
Main road to Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace
Palace of Westminster

Houses of Parliament
If you see this picture carefully, you'll see protestors carrying cardboard and speaker. I was told it happens daily
Churchill Statue in front of Parliamentary Building
Eyes Bird - I regretted I did not get a chance to try
Big Ben