Thursday, January 20, 2005

Gethsemane's Garden where Jesus prayed before he was brought to Pilate
Church next to Getsemane's garden
Inside Holy Sepulcher
To get up to Masada, you can take this lift or .. walking if you wish like the old days
Another view of Masada. You can see this place is very high up. About 440m above Dead Sea level
Masada was King Herod's royal citadel and later the last outpost of Zealots during the Jewish Revolt
Here's another place (Mount of Olives) many believe Jesus ascended to heaven. The place is maintained by Christian Palestinian.
Another view
I can't remember this church but it's located underground
The Crying Wall.. men and women are still separated when they come to pray here. The men on the left and women on the right
Crying Wall
Typical narrow street inside Old Jerusalem
Inside Holy Sepulcher Church
This church (Holy Sepulcher) where many believe Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.

Another view of the entrance to Old Jerusalem
It's believed that King David's body was rested inside this coffin. A Rabbi sits next to it at all time.
Entrance to Old Jerusalem
Old Jerusalem
In this church, the daily prayer was translated into hundreds of languages including English